




“…. Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest.”

2:275 (see full Qur’an quote below)


The concept of interest/usury (Riba) in the Qur’an is very clear. It is forbidden.

For this reason, Qard Hasan Foundation is striving to eliminate the burden of interest in student loans, one loan at a time.



الَّذينَ يَأكُلونَ الرِّبا لا يَقومونَ إِلّا كَما يَقومُ الَّذي يَتَخَبَّطُهُ الشَّيطانُ مِنَ المَسِّ ۚ ذٰلِكَ بِأَنَّهُم قالوا إِنَّمَا البَيعُ مِثلُ الرِّبا ۗ وَأَحَلَّ اللَّهُ البَيعَ وَحَرَّمَ الرِّبا ۚ فَمَن جاءَهُ مَوعِظَةٌ مِن رَبِّهِ فَانتَهىٰ فَلَهُ ما سَلَفَ وَأَمرُهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ وَمَن عادَ فَأُولٰئِكَ أَصحابُ النّارِ ۖ هُم فيها خالِدونَ


Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say, “Trade is [just] like interest.” But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest. So whoever has received an admonition from his Lord and desists may have what is past, and his affair rests with Allah . But whoever returns to [dealing in interest or usury] – those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide eternally therein.

Surah Al-Baqara   2:275



يَمحَقُ اللَّهُ الرِّبا وَيُربِي الصَّدَقاتِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ لا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ كَفّارٍ أَثيمٍ

Allah destroys interest and gives increase for charities. And Allah does not love anyone who is stubbornly ingrate and persists in sinful ways.

Surah Al-Baqara   2:276